Best Wood for Boat Trailer Bunks | Must Read

Boat trailer Bunks

When choosing the best wood for your boat trailer bunks, it is important to consider both the durability and strength of the material. Treated pine and Douglas fir are both excellent options, as they offer excellent resistance to wear and tear and can withstand the heavy loads typically placed on trailer bunks.

Pressure treatment is essential for any wood that will be used in a marine environment, as it helps to prevent rot and insect damage. Be sure to choose the wood that has been properly treated before use.

For those looking for a more cost-effective option, PVC trailer bunks are becoming increasingly popular due to their strength and affordability compared to other materials like aluminum or steel. However, it is important to take care when installing these bunks in order to maximize their durability and longevity over time.

Ultimately, whether you opt for treated timber with bunk carpet or vinyl caps, or choose PVC bunks instead, it is essential to take into account your individual needs and preferences when choosing the right materials for your boat trailer bunks. With proper maintenance and care over time, these components will help keep your boat safe on the water for many seasons to come!

Why Douglas Fir & Yellow Pine are considered Best Wood for Trailer Bunks?

Both of these species of wood have a natural resistance to rot and decay. The wood is also very strong and can support a lot of weight without breaking. When it comes to trailer bunks the timber needs to be able to support the weight of the boat as well as any waves or movement while traveling on the road. Douglas fir and yellow pine are two of the best woods for trailer bunks.

Being water-repellent is also an important trait for any wood used in a marine environment. The general characteristics of these timbers make them ideal for use as boat trailer bunks.

Douglas fir is graded according to its strength and appearance. The grades range from clear to knotty. Most trailer bunk boards are made from clear or heartwood grade because it has the highest strength rating. The lower grades are used for things like construction and general landscaping where appearance isn’t as important.

Yellow pine is a term that covers several different species of a pine trees. The most common yellow pines used for trailer bunks are southern yellow pine, loblolly pine, and longleaf pine. These timbers share many of the same properties as Douglas fir and are also graded according to strength and appearance.

Proper maintenance of your wood bunks is important to prolonging their life and keeping them looking good. Depending on the environment they are in, you should plan on cleaning and/or sealing your bunks at least once a year.

If your trailer is kept in a saltwater environment, it is especially important to clean and/or seal the bunks more often to prevent premature deterioration.

There are a few different ways to clean your boat trailer bunks. You can use a pressure washer on a low setting, or you can scrub them with soapy water and a brush. If you opt to pressure wash your bunks, be sure to use a low setting so you don’t damage the wood.

After cleaning, it is also a good idea to seal your bunks with a marine-grade sealer. This will help protect the wood from the elements and prevent premature deterioration.

Untreated or Treated Timber for Trailer Bunks

Pressure-treated timber is the best way to go for your boat trailer bunks. You don’t have to use treated lumber, but it will last much longer if you do. If you choose not to use pressure-treated lumber, make sure the timber is at least kiln-dried. This will help prevent rot and insect damage.

The addition of copper and arsenic as preservatives to the pressure-treated lumber extends its useful life by about double. These metals are able to reach deep inside the timber because of the absence of air pockets, making the lumber more effective at preventing rot and insect infestation. Small incisions are made in the lumber to allow the chemicals to penetrate, and then the lumber is placed in a pressure chamber where it is exposed to high levels of pressure. The pressure forces the chemicals deep into the wood, providing long-term protection.

The lifespan of pressure-treated timber can vary depending on the environment in which it is used. In general, though, you can expect it to last for 20 years or more. If you live in an area with a lot of moisture or humidity, you may need to replace your pressure-treated timber bunks more frequently.

If you have an aluminum boat make sure to use arsenic-treated wood. Copper reacts with aluminum and will cause corrosion. For screws and fasteners use stainless steel or galvanized nails and screws. Check all fasteners periodically to make sure they are tight.

Be sure to maintain your boat trailer bunks by regularly cleaning and Inspecting them for wear or damage. If you take good care of them, your pressure-treated timber bunks should last for many years.

How Good are PVC boat trailer bunks

For smaller boats, PVC is an excellent and popular choice for boat trailer bunks. It is strong, durable, and weather-resistant. PVC is also very easy to clean and maintain. You can simply hose it down when it gets dirty or brush it off with a broom.

PVC is a synthetic plastic that is made from ethylene and chlorine. It is a white or light-colored powder that is molded into the desired shape. PVC is used in a variety of applications including plumbing, electrical wiring, and boat hulls.

PVC boat trailer bunks are typically made from extruded sheets of PVC that are then cut to size. The sheet is then heated and formed into the desired shape. The finished product is a strong, durable, and weather-resistant bunk board that is easy to clean and maintain.

PVC boat trailer bunks are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses to accommodate different sizes of boats. They are also available in a variety of colors to match your boat or personal preference.

Being not so expensive, they are a great option for those who don’t want to spend too much on the bunks. They are also easy to install and can be done so by anyone with basic DIY skills.

PVC boat trailer bunks have a lifespan of around 10 years, although this can be extended with proper care and maintenance. It is important to regularly inspect your PVC bunks for wear and tear, as well as damage from sunlight and UV rays.

You should also clean your PVC bunks on a regular basis to prevent dirt and debris from building up and causing premature wear. When cleaning your PVC bunks, be sure to use mild soap or detergent and avoid harsh chemicals or cleaners.


When it comes to choosing the best wood for your boat trailer bunks, you have a few different options. Both Douglas fir and yellow pine are strong and water-repellent woods that are ideal for marine environments. Untreated or pressure-treated timber can be used, but treated lumber will last much longer. Make sure to clean and inspect your trailer bunks regularly to maintain them properly and prolong their lifespan. PVC plastic is also an option, but it doesn’t have the same strength as wood and can be more difficult to work with. With a little bit of research, you can find the best option for your needs.