Common Problems of Avid Boats | Explained

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Avid boats are some of the best Aluminum boats on the market. Designed and built with superior craftsmanship, they are made to last. But like all boats, they are not perfect and can experience some problems.

They have a great reputation for being durable and long-lasting. However, like all boats, they are not perfect and can develop some common problems. Known for their excellent layout and fishing amenities, Avid boats are a great choice for serious anglers.

Managed by Phillip Faulkner who knows Aluminum boats better than anyone, is praised for their dedication to quality. Faulkner has helped Avid become one of the most respected boat manufacturers.

Like all boats, Avid boats can develop some common problems. Some of the problems are more generic to all boats while others are more specific to Avid boats. Here are some common problems of Avid boats:

Bad Welds

Welding is a very important part of building an aluminum boat. If the welds are not done properly, it can cause serious structural problems. Unfortunately, while doing our research we found a couple of issues with bad welds on Avid boats. In some cases, the entire boat had to be replaced because of it.

Many Aluminum boat brands have this same issue, so it’s not unique to Avid. However, it is still something to be aware of if you are considering buying an Avid boat. We found a few people talking about hot welds present on their Avid boat.

This is something that you should check for if you are buying a used Avid boat. Make sure to closely inspect the welds and look for any signs of cracking or weakness. If you see any, it’s best to move on to another boat.

Poorly Painted Exteriors

Another common issue with Avid boats is poor exterior paint jobs. The paintwork looked dull and lifeless in many cases. In some extreme cases, the paint was peeling off of the boat.

This is a cosmetic issue that does not affect the performance or durability of the boat. However, it is still something to be aware of if you are considering buying an Avid boat. We would recommend checking the exterior paint job closely before buying an Avid boat.

Aluminum boats do have paint issues from time to time. It’s just something that you have to be aware of when you own an aluminum boat. Checking well before your boat is delivered is the best way to avoid this issue.

Bilge Area Transom Welding Issues

This is a problem that is specific to Avid boats. There have been reports of welding issues in the bilge area transom. This can cause serious problems because it weakens the structure of the boat.

If you are considering buying an Avid boat, make sure to check the bilge area transom for any welding issues. If you see any, it’s best to move on to another boat.

For any aluminum boat, it’s important to check the welds of the transom. This is an area that is susceptible to rust and corrosion. Make sure your boat model does not have any welding issues in this area.

Locking Mechanism Absent on All Storage Containers

Some people complained about the locking mechanism being absent on all storage containers. This can be a problem because it makes it easy for thieves to break into your boat and steal your stuff.

It’s important to have a good locking system on all of your storage containers. This is especially true if you are storing valuables in them. If you are considering buying an Avid boat, make sure to check the locking systems on all of the storage containers.

This is a problem that is not unique to Avid boats. Many boat brands have this same issue. So, it’s something to be aware of no matter what brand of boat you are considering buying.

Check in advance your model and build of the boat to see what kind of locking system it has. If it does not have a good one, then you might want to look at another model.

Not Answering Emails and Calls

Some people have complained about Avid boats not answering their emails and calls. This can be a problem because it makes it difficult to get in touch with them if you have an issue with your boat.

With big investments in their boats, people want to be able to get in touch with the company easily. If you are considering buying an Avid boat, make sure to check their customer service record.

You can do this by searching online for customer reviews. See what other people are saying about their customer service experiences. This will give you a good idea of what to expect if you need to contact them.

It’s also a good idea to try contacting them yourself before you buy an Avid boat. Send them an email or give them a call. See how long it takes for them to get back to you. This will give you a good idea of their customer service response time.

Taking Proper Care of Your Boat Eliminates Most Issues

Avid boats are built sturdy and made to last. But as with any boat, they need proper care and maintenance to keep them running well.

Many of the issues that people have with Avid boats can be avoided by taking proper care of their boat. This includes things like regularly cleaning the hull, checking for corrosion, and properly storing the boat when it’s not in use.

Proper winterization is also important. This is when you prepare the boat for storage during the winter months.

You can do this yourself or you can take it to a professional. Either way, it’s important to make sure that your boat is properly winterized. This will help prevent issues like freezing and corrosion while the boat is in storage.

Checking regularly for hull damage or small leaks will go a long way in preventing major issues down the road.

Of course, you can’t always avoid problems. But taking proper care of your boat will help eliminate most issues. And if you do have a problem, Avid boats have a great warranty that will cover most repairs.

How Good is Avid Customer Service

Apart from one or two issues reported by customers, most of them are highly satisfied with their customer service. It is always a good idea to test the customer service before you buy the product by sending them an email or giving them a call. You can also check online for customer reviews to see what others are saying about their experiences. Overall, Avid customer service is considered to be very good.


Avid boats are a great choice for many people. The boats are designed to last and are made with high-quality materials. However, as with any boat, they can have some issues. Try contacting customer support or your local dealer if you have any problems with your Avid boat. Taking proper care of your boat will help prevent most issues from happening. And if you do have a problem, the Avid warranty will likely cover the repairs.